Terms of Service

Search Engine Spiders

Spidering, or otherwise crawling this site with automation software, whether the software is web- or pc-based, grants permission for Sophtware's products to query the associated index, if available from a public Web site, using an automation tool on a reasonable basis. (Usually not more than once a month.) When indexing this Web site, your spider or crawler must obey the robots.txt file rules, including identifying itself using the UserAgent field of the query as in the following:

SpiderName/1.0 (www.spiderwebsite.com; spiderinfo@spiderwebsite.com; purpose of spider)

Resource Harvestors

Image, movie, and flash resources that are available on this Web site have no benefit outside this Web site. As such, please do not make available any such resources on this Web site through linking.

Email Harvestors

No email addresses on this Web site are of any benefit to email harvesting programs. All incoming email is filtered for spam and dealt with appropriately. Please do not waste the resources of the Internet, or this Web site, for spam campaigns.